Tie - A curved line over or below two or more notes of the same pitch.
The first pitch is sung or played and held for the duration of the notes
affected by the tie.
Third -
The interval of three diatonic degrees.
Time Signature -
The numbers
written on staff of any piece, indicating
which type of note gets a single beat, and also how many beats are in each
Tonic - The first note of a key. Also, the name of the chord built on
the first degree of the scale, indicated by I in a major key or i in a minor
Tonal Music -
with a
center, or tonic, which employs tones which
relate to that tonic in a predictable and measurable manner.
Tonic -
The key center, or foundation of, a
scale or melody.
tranqudlo -calmness, quietness
tre -
- The
highest voice, instrument, or part.
Treble Clef
- The G clef
falling on the second line of the staff. Used with the bass clef to form the grand staff.
tre corde -
three strings, an indication to stop
using the soft pedal
tremolo -
rapid repetition of a
Triad -
A chord consisting of a root, and two other members, usually a third and a fifth.
Trill -
An ornament
consisting of a rapid alternation between two pitches, the main pitch, and the
pitch a whole or half step above it.
Turn -
An ornament
consisting of four or five notes that move up and down 'around' a given pitch,
using that pitch as a tonal center.
troppo -
too much; non troppo not too much
tutta -
the whole
- as indicated above
Twelve-Tone Music -
Music in which no pitch class (or note) is
repeated until all other chromatic pitches have been used. Any group of twelve
pitches arranged this way is called a row.
Glenn Bonney's Music School © 2000